Happy Children's Day

Happy National Children's Day From AGRA Kaduna Consortium Project!
Today, as we celebrate the bright smiles and limitless potential of our little ones, the AGRA Kaduna Extension Resilience Forum reaffirms its unwavering commitment to protect and nurture our children. On this special day, we proudly declare our ZERO tolerance to child labor.

Children are the heartbeat of our society, and their well-being is our top priority. We firmly believe that every child deserves a safe, loving, and nurturing environment that fosters their growth and development. AGRA Kaduna Consortium Project stand united in ensuring that no child is subjected to exploitative labor, hindering their dreams and robbing them of their childhood.

Join us in creating a future where every child can flourish. Together, let's raise awareness, empower families, and advocate for policies that safeguard the rights of our little ones. Education, play, and freedom are their birthrights, and we are determined to protect them.

On this National Children's Day, let's celebrate the joy, innocence, and unlimited potential of our children. Together, we can build a world where their dreams soar high, where they thrive in safety and happiness.

#AGRA#NAERLS#AGRAKadunaResilienceForum#ZeroToleranceToChildLabour #NationalChildrensDay #ChildrenFirst #SafeChildhood