Empowering smallholder farmers for climate-smart agriculture using PICSA Approach

*Empowering Smallholder Farmers for Climate-Smart Agriculture using PICSA Approach!*

The AGRA Kaduna Consortium Project, led by NAERLS in collaboration with NiMET, conducted a 3-day Training of Trainers (TOT) on Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) from June 27th to 29th, 2024, at NAERLS. This training aimed to equip Community-Based Advisors and Agricultural Extension Agents in Kaduna State with the knowledge and skills to implement the PICSA approach. Through this training, participants learned to:
• Understand historical climate data and seasonal forecasts: This helps farmers anticipate weather patterns and prepare for upcoming seasons.
• Utilize participatory tools: These tools facilitate decision-making on crop selection, resource allocation, and livelihood options to adapt to climate variations.
• Step down PICSA knowledge to farmers: Trained CBAs and Agents will share their learnings with farmers in their communities, promoting climate-smart agricultural practices.
The training focused on reducing climate change risks and increasing productivity by exploring both livestock and crop options. Key tools in the PICSA approach, such as identification of crops and practices, resource allocation, participatory budgeting, and the seasonal climate calendar, were thoroughly covered. Participants were drawn from the Project Climate Smart Villages and physically challenged groups representing Kudan, Kauru, Sabon Gari, and Zaria LGAs.
A practical session in Biye community allowed participants to demonstrate their ability to transfer the training to local farmers. They are now expected to cascade their knowledge, bringing climate-smart agricultural practices to communities across Kaduna State. By empowering farmers with climate-smart information using PICSA tools, the AGRA Kaduna Consortium Project contributes to a sustainable agriculture and more resilient livelihoods in Kaduna State!
#PICSA #ClimateSmartAgriculture #Kaduna #FarmersEmpowerment #NiMet #FAO #FARA